Monthly Archives: March 2010

The Hunger Site

Have you ever met one of those people who are always doing good things, raising money for people in need, saving the rainforest etc. ?

I’m sure most people have come across someone like this in their life, and although I admire what they are doing, and wish i had their drive and passion to ‘make a difference’, there is something i just don’t like about these people… they make me feel guilty.

So I had a little look around on the internet and discovered this little gem of a website: “The Hunger Site“.

All you have to do, is visit the website everyday (or whenever you can) and click on the button to ‘do your bit’. There are many great causes that you can give to, and it even shows you how much you have contributed; for example after you click the button on the ‘hunger section’ you recieve this message:

“Today, you have given the value of 1.1 cups of food to the hungry.”

Great eh? Now imagine being able to start off your day, everyday, in the knowledge that you have made a difference to someone’s life, just by clicking a couple of links on a website… I’ll tell you… it feels pretty damn good…

Go and check it out from the link below.