Monthly Archives: October 2010

Celebrity Two Word Tango… The Drinking Game

Celebrity Two Word Tango (CTWT) was made famous a few years ago on the ‘Chris Moyles Show’ on BBC Radio 1. I actually used the game in my gap year before university, and found it to be a very good ice-breaker.

However the other night when my housemates and I had cracked open a few beers after work, we were looking for a new drinking game when I remembered CTWT. We were able to find a stream on the internet and started playing with much hilarity!

The link for the CTWT is hosted on Chris Moyles’ own website ( and can be found here.

So here’s the Kaluuja guide to:

The Celebrity Two Word Tango Drinking Game!

  1. The rules for the normal CTWT game still apply, a group or people each takes it in turn to say the name of a celebrity in the gap in the music. No repeats!
  2. Here’s where the drinking comes in… After your go, you have to take a sip of your drink (or do a finger… or a shot, depending on how hardcore you are). This can get quite hectic when the music speeds up towards the end!
  3. If you make a mistake… you pause the music, drink your forfeit (whatever you decide upon, we did 2 fingers worth, for example) and begin again, starting with the ‘forfeitee’.

Well that’s basically it for the normal game… obviously when you get good at it then you can add additional rules, or any that you make up on your own! (We found the no-pointing rule was an effective one for the more excitable in the group!)

Other optional rules to get you going

  • If your group is big enough then you can play the knock-out version, if you mess up, then you’re out of the game! (and have to do a large drinking forfeit)
  • Introduce some of the ‘international rules of drinking’ whilst playing the game.
  • Add a thumb-master to the game, whilst naming the celebrities.

If you can think of any others then please comment and I’ll add the good ones! Other than that… give it a try, and have fun!

The link again for the CTWT jingle can be located here and all credit goes to the Chris Moyles team and for creating it!