North American Tea Tour

After being back in England now for over a week, having had time to get my body clock sorted, fill myself with good quality British food, and converse with people who speak properly, I’ve actually had time to sort some of my Canadian photos out.

I found out that actually during our ‘Man-Plan’ trip we’d had quite a few cups of tea, which isn’t as easy as it should be in North America with their ‘coffee’ everywhere instead.

Therefore, in honour of that I’ve dedicated an album to the times in North America where we were able to have a good ol’ cuppa (well… the closest equivalent they had there, ‘Orange Pekoe’ or ‘English Breakfast’ apparently), flying the flag without even realising it!

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About Kaluuja

24yr old MSc student from the UK. I like to try new things and have lots of little projects on the go. I'll share some that are successful, as well as how I got there. I'll also share some of my travelling experiences, which will hopefully grow greatly as I continue this blog.

Posted on May 17, 2011, in Blogs. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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