Blog Archives


Hello there, glad you made it back! You smell lovely today. Many things have changed since we last spoke, so let’s get started shall we?

First of all, the more observant amongst you will notice that the layout of the blog has been changed and updated… nice eh? Thanks, I thought so too. Those with even keener eyesight will also notice that the name of the blog has changed; this is in light of some new developments to do with my future adventures in Australia. Mainly that they will have to be a little further in the future than I had first anticipated… which is a shame, but hopefully will prove to be the right decision.

So in light of this new development, a blog make-over was needed, as well as a re-think as to the subject matter. So therefore in the couple of months or so that I’m remaining in my lovely homeland, this blog will act as a sort of mini release for some of my thoughts, ponderings and insights into life in general (I know, I’m excited too).

So what am I doing at the moment? Well, good question… Other than looking for a temporary job (providing, of course, that my budding professional poker career doesn’t take off…) then it seems my life is being taken up with trying to get as much fun as possible, by spending as little as possible, which at the moment is going alright. I am actually using this time to begin learning a lot of different things that I’ve never had the time for before, which is great! I may even learn a bit of Spanish… I always did like croissants…

Anyway… thanks for stopping by, it was good to catch up. I hope we can do it again soon! Take care of yourself.

Oh just quickly before you go; a little note about the post titles from now on. I am going to attempt to learn an interesting fact everyday for as long as I can, and although I won’t be ‘blogging’ everyday, I thought it would be nice to share some of them with you. Isn’t it fun to learn?