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The Man-Plan!

I have loads of photos to upload of my adventures since being in Golden, BC, but they may be a while, and might have to actually wait until I get back to the UK.

Until then, I’m getting close to the end of my stay in Golden, and have a little bit of time to go travelling before I have to catch my plane back to the homeland. So to that end me and Sam (who will be joining me on some of the journey) have come up with a little travel itinerary, starting at Golden and with me ending up in Toronto, AKA the ‘Man-Plan’.

I’ve added a couple of maps as well for those who like pictures.


The journey begins with us leaving Golden on the 14th April for Lake Louise, in Jasper National Park. We’ll spend 3 days in Jasper, taking in some of the natural beauty, outdoor activities and hopefully wildlife (I still haven’t seen a bear yet!) that the biggest of the Canadian Rockies Parks has to offer.

We’ll then leave Jasper for Vancouver on the 17th April, travelling overnight on apparently one of the most beautiful coach journeys in the world. Arriving at Vancouver; the city which is ringed by the Pacific ocean and snow-capped coast mountains, we’ll spend 5 days sampling a tiny bit of what the city has to offer, before heading off again over a stretch of water to Vancouver Island, to visit the capital of British Columbia: Victoria.

We’ll then spend 3 days in Victoria, described as a “small, sedate city with quaint English air, leafy old town, delightful old-fashioned shopping streets and exquisite harbour”. Apparently as well it’s got a cracking museum!

Travelling across waters known for whale-spotting, we’ll briefly make our way out of Canada and travel to the American city of Seattle. I’ll see what the Yanks have to offer and if they can match up to the experience the Canadians have given me so far. 5 days in Seattle, exploring the sights and the aquarium, and then I’ll make my triumphant return to Canada, and more specifically back to Toronto on the 30th April.

Spending 4 nights back where I first started my journey nearly 11 months previously seems a fitting way to also end it. So I’ll return to Toronto, perhaps push the boat out and enjoy a few fizzy drinks and milkshakes in the evening with some friends, before I say “Goodbye”, or rather “See you soon” to my North American adventure, and “Hello again” to the homeland. After flying overnight I’ll arrive back to a hero’s welcome in Heathrow in the early morning of the 6th May.

Well… that’s the plan anyway.

Goodbye Toronto

My last few weeks, as you can no doubt imagine, have been slightly hectic what with all the planning needed for my new job, accommodation and new (much colder) conditions. Never mind how I was going to get to the town of Golden, BC from Toronto, Ontario and that I had to organise a going away party before I left.

The last week or so in Toronto turned out to be a little more eventful than I had anticipated, which is always a pleasant surprise. The reason that I haven’t blogged anything recently is because there has been very little to say about my adventures. I had got into a ‘routine’; a word that divides our lovely species, bringing some order, bliss and comfort, and trapping others in a mundane world of boredom. Luckily I am a person who can deal with a routine… for a couple of months at least. However with a routine came a lack of time to explore the wonderful experiences that Canada had to offer, and so hence my lack of blog updates. That and my camera has defiantly decided that it didn’t want to work any more and has been retired for the past couple of months, meaning no pictures of any adventures I may well have had.

I have recently acquired a new camera however, as I felt that my current town of residence has an aesthetic value that many of you will appreciate, and that I’d like to appreciate when I’ve left. Pictures coming soon!

So I suppose this is a thank you, and a goodbye Toronto! It’s been a blast, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the 5 or so months that I’ve lived there, the people that I’ve met and the places I’ve been. Although I could quite easily have lived there for my entire year in Canada, and will miss a lot of people, I think it’s time for me to move on and start a new adventure… To Golden!



Some of the pics of my last couple of days in Toronto… including a Raptors game!

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