Monthly Archives: May 2011

North American Tea Tour

After being back in England now for over a week, having had time to get my body clock sorted, fill myself with good quality British food, and converse with people who speak properly, I’ve actually had time to sort some of my Canadian photos out.

I found out that actually during our ‘Man-Plan’ trip we’d had quite a few cups of tea, which isn’t as easy as it should be in North America with their ‘coffee’ everywhere instead.

Therefore, in honour of that I’ve dedicated an album to the times in North America where we were able to have a good ol’ cuppa (well… the closest equivalent they had there, ‘Orange Pekoe’ or ‘English Breakfast’ apparently), flying the flag without even realising it!

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Man-Plan Phase 4: Seattle (pt 2)

Now we come to the end of the Man-Plan tour of a very small part of what North-Western US and Western Canada have to offer. The last part of our tour takes us to the ‘Gum Wall’, the Space Needle and finally geeking out in the Star Wars exhibit.

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This marked the end of the tour for myself and Sam, I flew back to Toronto for my last few days in Canada, whilst Sam made his way to Vancouver to catch his flight back to the homeland. Needless to say that after a few months of living and travelling together, that it became emotional at the end… at least it would have been if we both weren’t fully grown men…

Anyway, I now return back to Toronto, hopefully seeing some of my old friends there, for a final hurrah before I return back to the UK, pretty much a full 11 months after I left. More on that next time!


Man-Plan Phase 4: Seattle (pt 1)

The next phase of the Man-Plan was to go south of the Canadian border to the USA and spend some time in Seattle.
In our first couple of days there we went to the Experience Music Project for a Nirvana Exhibition, random jam sessions and a lot of guitars (there was also a section on Battlestar Galactica… but neither of us knew anything about it, so we didn’t really go in). And we made our own band and recorded a DVD! We decided to call ourselves ‘Stodge’ which of course is a combination of the words ‘Stoic’ and ‘Dodgy’… we decided not to buy the DVD…

After all the excitement of the EMP the next day will followed it up with an epic trip to the Seattle Zoo… need I say more?

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The last pt of the last phase of the Man-Plan coming soon!
